<p>User Interface and User Experience are two terms you are likely to hear a lot. Their abbreviations, UI and UX even more so. While neither concept is entirely new they are both very<strong> important...
<p><strong>Last Friday we had the pleasure of talking to Ian Cleary. Ian is the founder of RazorSocial and <a href=“https://www.outreachplus.com/”>OutreachPlus.com </a>and an industry...
<p>In an <a href=”/blog/using-social-media-to-grow-and-promote-your-busine/”>earlier article</a>, we discussed how various social media platforms can help you with growing your business, depending on your area and who you are looking to...
Your background briefly?
I spent many years working for small and large organisations in the design and innovation space. I started as a coder and then found my real passion, UX (User Experience).
In this series of Digital Insights lecturer Randall Glick demystifies growth hacking. In this video you will learn:
What is growth hacking?
What are the origins of growth hacking?
Are you a growth hacker?
Why do organisations need growth hackers?
By Daniel Griffin, Curriculum Lead on our Digital Technology Coding Stream
Web tools, cloud services, mobile device applications and total connectivity through the Internet of Things are rapidly changing every aspect of our personal and professional lives. Consumers are increasingly...
As the web, cloud services, mobile device applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) continue to rapidly change almost every aspect of our personal and professional lives, consumers are increasingly relying on digital tools as their primary interface to the...
Interview with Clifford Brown, Head of Admissions, Digital Skill
Hi Cliff, thanks for taking the time to talk with us, what is your role at Digital Skills
I am the Head of Admissions. This involves oversight of the admissions...