Until recently coding was really only needed for working at pure tech companies such as software development or computer engineering firms. Now code is so fully integrated, not only across business but also our entire lives, that almost all businesses...
Daniel is Curriculum Lead on the “Digital Technology Coders” Stream
Your background in brief?
I’ve worked on the web since its earliest days. From the early to mid-1990’s, before the first browsers were built.  ...
Michael Kelly is a graduate of our BSc Honours Degree in Digital Technology, Design and Innovation and is based in Ireland.
Why did you decide to do the degree?
I’m a designer, and I always...
Digital Skills participant Darren Hill describes how the programme is helping to advance his career and business.
My name is Darren Hill and I live in Monmouth in South Wales (United Kingdom). I’m a self-employed web...
What led you to become a digital designer?
My first degree was in philosophy. Unsurprisingly there wasn’t much work in that area! In the early 2000’s I did some web design courses followed by a Masters in...
What is your background?
I was an American firefighter in the US Air Force before I came to Ireland 18 years ago. Since then I have been working in tech-based companies. I joined Gateway in ‘98, and then joined an internet...
As featured in Business and Finance
Digital Skills announces expansion to 25 countries
Digital Skills, the Irish company that pioneered online degrees in digital skills, has expanded its reach to 25 countries in six continents across the globe.
Founded by entrepreneur and...
Our decision to launch an extensive portfolio of Online Short Courses (initially 25) in digital technology, digital business, design, and innovation is very timely. Training providers have come under scrutiny in the past few years, particularly within the corporate...